Our Achievement Number introduces the energy used to manifest everything we need to follow our path, pursue our passions and forge forward to achieve our Destiny. We calculate this placement by adding our Birth month to our Birth date and reducing the total to a single digit unless it is a Master Number.
I often describe our Achievement number in relation to our Soul Urge Number because both numbers in our chart describe our unique gifts, abilities, talents and potential.
Our Soul Urge number is calculated through our “Day of Birth” and is responsible for bringing us opportunities to develop our unique qualities needed to succeed on our path, purpose, and destiny. I describe our Soul Urge Number as the whisper or breath of life that entered our body the moment we are born. It is the frequency of who we are in Spirit, manifesting vibrational form.
This frequency is how we view the world, affects how we think and forms our perspectives revealing how we go about bringing our “Inner Light” to others creating beneficial and fulfilling relationships. This is the frequency that we create from.
Our Achievement Number is like the wind behind our breath. It is about movement, inspiration and motivation. It shows us how we act and when to act. It is the driving force behind our expression and how we conduct our essential selves.It is the flame of inspiration that gets us really moving on projects or the objects of our desire. It is the frequency we use to pounce on new opportunities and how we go about delivering our unique messages to the world.
Our Achievement number is responsible for bringing us the energy and momentum needed to fulfill our life journey. Both work side by side to strengthen our desire to move forward and onward with our lessons & blessings.
Achievement Numbers describe our personal power. It is what fuels our motivation in life. It is the force within us we call upon to pull us out of the trenches when the sky is dark and there is no one else around to save us. It is the vehicle we use to uplift our spirits and raise our vibrations in meditation to reach the state of nirvana. This frequency is how the outside world perceives us and our fallback character when we think no one is looking. Our achievement number is also called our “attitude number” and has been a driving force in our lives ever since we took our first breath of air, and it continues to mature throughout our lifetime.
Like all the numbers, its potency is contingent on our energy level. The higher we vibrate, the stronger it works for us, and the gifts and talents of this number continue to bear fruit and support us. If our frequency is low, it continues to challenge us and serves as a reminder to up our game. All our challenges are opportunities for growth, so the lower our frequency, the more challenges we encounter. This is a Universal Law, and it plays out beautifully in the vibrational force of numbers.
All we need to do is witness what happens to us when we choose to have a loving perspective versus a hateful one in any given situation, on any day, and at any moment. It is used as a barometer to measure the level of energy we are using. When our attitude takes a turn for the worse, we instantly attract negative energy and circumstances. How many more challenges do we encounter when we start the day on the wrong side of the bed? How many blessings do we attract when we begin our day in silent contemplation, gratitude, and compassion? This is how our achievement/attitude Number works. It is our choice. Do we want to work with it or against it?
It is in direct alignment with our Soul life agreement meaning that when we determined our souls mission before incarnation, we reviewed this information with our Spirit Guides and Angels and asked ourselves, “ What energy or force will I need within me to accomplish these things?”
The influence of our Achievement number guarantees that when we are focused on our mission, we have all that it takes to complete what we came here to do.
Understanding our Achievement number gives us the opportunity to align with forces enhancing the outcome of any situation. We have special gifts that we can use to achieve the greatest possible outcome in any situation with confidence. We were born with this magic power to be productive to survival but most important it serves as the dynamic strength toward our success.
When we embracing our Soul Urge and Achievement Numbers, we combine forces that ultimately drive us toward an opening beyond our wildest dreams. As with all the number frequencies, the higher our energy level, the more powerful these forces become.
Knowing and understanding these numbers in our chart act as the driving force that improves the quality of our lives, attracts prosperity, nurture relationships, build careers and accelerate spiritual growth.
You are like Tigger in the Winnie-the-Pooh series, bouncing with energy and vivacious fervor. You were born with surges of electrical current directly delivered from a higher source. This type of energy has the ability to heal by mere presence alone. You probably started healing family and friends while you were still in your mother’s womb.
As you reached puberty, you started to notice that not everyone carries this type of frequency. It is important to keep this portal of energy open and learn to use it to manifest your dreams into reality. This takes years of practice, but the decision to remain open starts now. There will be opportunities and times of challenge when it appears easier to become blocked and reserved, but this only leads to ill health and depression and is definitely not a long-term solution. Your true power relies solely on your connection to a higher guidance; everything else is a distraction or an illusion. Your intuition will tell you that your true authority, abundance, and resources come from within you rather than outwardly. It is wise to listen to your higher self. Many waste a lot of time doing otherwise.
Begin to picture yourself as the infinity symbol upright. The bottom circle is your connection to Earth, and the top circle is your sphere to heaven. Begin to practice running the electrical current in, through, and around you, dissolving whatever blocks the flow. Keeping upright and fluid is your magic link to higher achievement in all you do.
View more information regarding Chart Readings on my Website
and my book
“Egyptian Numerology; Emergence into the 5th Dimension”
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