Your destiny number describes your potential natural talents and abilities using the numerology arithmancy gathered from the sum total of the vowels and consonants given at birth, taken off your birth certificate name, and reduced to a single-digit number, unless it is a master number of eleven through ninety-nine. Your name has to do with the ways and reasons you project what you do into the world. The various ways we present ourselves in the world are shown by expression, and the choices we make are the aspects of our lives that we can use to mold our futures. Your name is your power of choice. The right words define your level of knowledge and experience. They are the keys that open the doors to the life you desire. Words are a control system for our own personal magic. The most powerful word in your personal universe is your name. The power to create the future you want lies within you, and through the knowledge of power in your name, you’ll learn some keys that can help unlock your inner magic. Your destiny number embraces the truth of what you came here to do through the power of your heart’s desire number. We want to look at this number and discover the hidden passions, talents, and abilities that affect your world and how it is working for you now or how it can work for you in the future. Your personality number is your outward expression of yourself and how the world perceives you. It reflects what you are portraying back to you. How do you see yourself and the world around you? Are you using your abilities to your highest potential or are you attracting fear, negativity, and darkness? This number plays an important role in your destiny and demands that you stay in integrity with the highest frequency possible in order to conduct yourself in alignment with your destiny. Because your destiny is a combination of your heart’s desire number and your expression number, whenever you have a question about the authenticity of your ultimate path in life, look first at these two numbers and check to see if you are serving them in their highest frequency. Your destiny number will only be productive if you are being honest in your heart and showing the world who you truly are.
The Destiny number is the sum total of the vowels and consonants in your Birth name. Reduce the total to a single digit unless it is a Master Number. Use the arithmancy conversion chart below. The letter Y is used as a consonant except when it is the first letter in a person’s first or last name, such as Yolanda, Yvon, or Yvette. The letter Y is considered a vowel if there are no other vowels in the name, such as Bly or Flynn.
EXAMPLE: SANDRA LEE SMITH – Sandra = 1+1+5+4+9+1= 21 (2+1) =3
Lee – 3+5+5= 13 (1+3) =4
Smith = 1+4+9+2+8 = 24 (2+4) = 6
ADD 3+4+6=13 (1+3)=4
A J S – 1 B K T – 2 C L U – 3 D M V – 4 E N W – 5 F O X – 6 G P Y – 7 H Q Z – 8 I R – 9
You have the ability to bring beauty and peace to the world in a creative and fun loving way. Breaking free from any limitations of low self-esteem brought on by co-dependency will be your biggest challenge, but is necessary for you to mature and grow into the liberty-defined, virtuous person you are designed to become. You are naturally intuitive and psychic, and you will use your skills to benefit those who need comfort and understanding. You bring harmony to discord in all situations and use your sense of balance to heal those around you. You can bring forces together into harmonious balance, creating a mutual bond. You are empathetic, compassionate, intuitive, loving, and understanding.
Cooperation is a quality associated with the vibration of this number. You are a master of duality and are able to see many sides of a single situation. This makes you a valuable asset in a group arena when mediation, guidance, or psychic reading is concerned.
The number two also holds the seed of creativity. You create from a song that lingers deep within your heart. You are often blamed for idealism—“They see what they want to see”—and you desire the world to see their vision through your eyes of beauty. You enliven dreams and awaken the imagination. You balance the inner imagination with outer realities, making both aspects more appealing and beneficial. This number is about creating balance in your life between the yin and yang and with the five planetary elements: earth, air, water, fire, and ether.
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and my book,
“Egyptian Numerology; Emergence into the 5th Dimension ”
WRITTEN BY SARA BACHMEIER Copyright © 2018 Sara Bachmeier.
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