The arithmancy of our birth names is the process in numerology of assigning a numeric calculation value to each letter of the alphabet. Our birth certificate names are as important as our birth dates. We decode the specific meanings within our names through the dynamic process of arithmancy.
Some people think that because our birth dates and birth names are chosen for us—as in planned cesarean births and the names that generally our parents settle on—there may not be anything sacred about these them, but the ancients believe that nothing is random.
Meaning of the Consonants in Our Names
The personality or expression number is the arithmancy of the consonants in one’s birth certificate name. Our expressions define how we bring the heart’s desire into manifestation in the material world. The vowels maintain the fluidity of our names, and the consonants are the forms by which the vowels are expressed.
The personalities are like the clothes we wear; they protect us, define us, or both. Personas are complements to the inner aspects of our selves. They portray our personal style and behaviors and how we imagine and present ourselves to the world on both the conscious and the unconscious levels.
Our expressions describe learned behaviors and how we use them to express our essential selves. Our personas are built from experience, which is feedback the universe gives us about our choices, feelings, thoughts, words, and actions. This is especially important in the analysis of how present we are in the process of creating our destinies.
Our heart’s desire numbers are the essences of our true selves, and our personality numbers are the frequencies at which we choose the world to view us. These are our full expressions of being humans in the physical form. They are how we protect, express, and manifest our .
Once we understand the essences of these frequencies, we appreciate the magic and source of power used to influence the outside world and evaluate the gifts and talents used when expressing our creativity.
The personality or expression number is the initial vibration that people, animals, environments, plants, and spirits pick up from us organically. It is the base energy they use to psychically tell whether we are authentic about who we are, what we are doing, and our true intentions. If we are not in alignment with these frequencies, they will sense it, and something will just feel off.
These are our energetic personality blueprints, and when we are in integrity with the vibrations we emit, our auras strengthen, expand, and become brighter. People, animals, and the environment around us will feel invited, interested, and attracted. They will trust, feel safe around, and open up to us naturally.
The Expression number is the sum total of the consonants in a name. Reduce the total to a single digit unless it is a Master Number. Use the arithmancy conversion chart below. The letter Y is used as a consonant except when it is the first letter in a person’s first or last name, such as Yolanda, Yvon, or Yvette. The letter Y is considered a vowel if there are no other vowels in the name, such as Bly or Flynn.
JOHN EVANS DOE/ 1+8+5+4+5+1+4= 28 (2+8=10) TOTAL=1
A J S – 1 B K T – 2 C L U – 3 D M V – 4 E N W – 5 F O X – 6 G P Y – 7 H Q Z – 8 I R – 9
You express yourself best through building a better world. The number twenty-two is called the master builder because you are capable of manifesting great changes on the earthly plane. You usually do this through the construction of some kind of empire, whether it is of social, financial, or of a spiritual nature.
Number twenty-twos are the masters of manifestation who know how the power of negative thought or image can destroy someone’s potential. You fulfill your highest potential by bringing ideals into everyday reality. It can be a much-disciplined number by taking big ideas from scratch and transforming them into pure reality. Persons governed by this number will always have high ideals, plans, and objectives to achieve. With twenty-two in your chart, you have great potential as a leader, organizer, builder, politician, entrepreneur, or manager. Self-confidence and inner strength is the key when working at these positions. You can approach a problem systematically and with a cool head, and your solutions always tend to be unique.
People with this number are hard-working and honest. They love truth, independence, and freedom of expression. Communication and cooperation are important to them. Like people with the master number eleven, these individuals are very sensitive and vulnerable; however, they have greater self-esteem, which makes them stronger and more resistant to enemies or other negative factors from outside influences. They are able to play hardball if they have to.
The master number twenty-two contains the superpower of dream materialization with incredible perception and intuition, with access to a dream/vision world and the ability to ground it down into reality systematically through grounded tangible effort, work, and action. You get intuitive insights that guide you like the North Star in the physical world. Be the dream materialization architect by taking the vision and solidifying it in the physical world so all of us can enjoy a new foundation and way of experiencing living life. You uniquely create your own reality. You must follow your North Star and dare to be different. You are the trailblazer, trendsetter, and master builder who possess certain gifts, strengths, and weaknesses others do not. You have extra protection from the angels and, as I see it, a green light. So go and manifest!
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“Egyptian Numerology; Emergence into the 5th Dimension ”