Your Soul Life Path is ignited by the heartbeat of the eternal drum of life the moment you are born. The drum is symbolic of the circle of life representing vitality, wholeness, completion, wheel of life, perfection, the sacred void, Alpha & Omega, the ouroboros of reincarnation, the infinite representation of Source. And although it is beyond time and space, the closest we can imagine being present within this circle would be a feeling of unconditional love.
The fifth dimension is a state of unconditional love and light that some would refer to as nirvana. This is your natural state of being, without the concept of time and space.
The personified energetic blueprint you create through the birthing process is called your resonance frequency. It is your life path and the vibration the Universe recognizes to spark the fires of your living breath, burning a path that forges and sets the direction for your life’s mission.
I believe that we all were originally born out of the center of this sacred zero and decided to experience and express life through the numeric vibrations of our birth dates and names.
Everything involving numbers starts and ends with the number zero. Each number has its own frequency, with defining qualities, personalities, characteristics, and potential, but we were all meant to ascend back to the comfort of this defining zero at the end of our journey, and for some of us, it has taken many, many lifetimes.
Your Soul Life Path describes the direction your life will take, what challenges you will encounter, and the opportunities you will come across. It tells you what your life journey will look like and how you connect with the outside world. The life path and the numbers derived from it (soul urge and achievement numbers) represent the traits and talents you were born with. There are magnetic forces that draw to you various vibrations, events, and circumstances throughout your life, and all of these are influenced by your soul life path number.
Every numeric Path has a unique energy pattern that embodies your identity and is represented through symbols, images, or the personal logo of our soul. It is called an archetype. On a psychological, emotional, and spiritual level, we are all multidimensional beings and these archetypes make it easier for your guides and angels to work with you. When you tap into your signature archetype, you trigger your imagination, the realm between time and space, which becomes the sacred meeting grounds between the worlds.
Your Soul Life Path is your resonant frequency. It is the vibration you signal to the Universe to attract and deliver everything that you need to develop your own archetype or Inner Hero and become the best version of yourself moving forward. Your “Inner Hero” is your higher-self beckoning you toward your true calling in life, your purpose and reason why you are here. Nobody else can hear this voice but you because it is your calling and meant for your ears only.
There is a Universal sacred order to life. It requires that you walk your authentic path before you pursue your life purpose. When you are on the right path, it ultimately leads you to your purpose. Your job is to make sure you are in alignment with the right path designated specifically for you..
Your soul path is the total of your birth date, birth month, and birth year reduced to a single digit unless it is a Master Number of 11, 22, 33, 44 …
There are several ways to calculate your Soul Life Path Number but the basic way I teach is to add your day, month and year.
TOTAL = 1999 = 1+9+9+9= 28 add 2+8=10 = 1
Life Path number nine points to a life of fulfillment. Wisdom, self-examination, enlightenment, and achieving higher consciousness. These are all qualities associated with number nine. It is connected to one’s higher purpose and ultimate life mission; this number encourages you to take a bird’s eye view of your life.
Egyptian Numerology recognizes the number 9 as a walker of integrity and light. It is the vibration of the light warrior and their true source of power comes from receiving the sacred initiation of forgiveness and compassion through completing their souls journey.
The number nine relates to wisdom and responsibility, and their ultimate goal is to serve humanity. This vibration has come to serve the world and make it a better place for all to live in. They look for solutions in the form of inspiration, intuition, and creativity. They are psychic, sensitive, and thoughtful people who understand other people’s experiences because they have gone through many challenges and are equipped to offer empathy, support, love, and encouragement.
The energy of the number nine carries a visionary and insightful path into the Universal higher laws of life and self-mastery. It is often the path of the Priestess, Priest, Shaman, and the Druid.
When nine appear in your path, you have come to earn a completion. This is why forgiveness, compassion, integrity, justice, higher wisdom, and selfless service may have been important to you. They are all tools needed for your ascension to the next level of your existence.
Being a wounded healer may be necessary for you to overcome challenges you consented to before your birth. You have a tendency to be a recluse or entertain a hermit lifestyle mainly because inherently you don’t want to accumulate more drama/karma. Those who walk the path of the number nine gift the world with sage wisdom and incredible kindness, reminding us that by allowing our own divine light to shine, we can change the world.
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