Service Description
“Know Thyself and Thou Shalt Know the Universe” (Ancient Proverb) Egyptian Numerology is the Alchemy of Ancient Wisdom through the light codes of Numbers and position of the planets transforming your life toward prosperity, love and overall well-being. Working with the alchemy frequencies of Numbers transmutes lead into gold as challenges melt into pivotal opportunities. Egyptian Numerology lies under the premise that before Birth, we contracted with our guides, angels, and the karmic Board in the spirit realm to achieve specific goals, complete karmic lessons, advance our spiritual evolution, and to understand our pure essence of Being as Divine Love. Because we experience birth amnesia, we forget why we came to earth and so we encoded these vital numeric lessons in our Birth Name and Birth Date. When we begin to understand the powerful forces within these numbers, there is no coincidence that this accurate mapping points to our Soul Life Mission including Soul Life Path, Purpose and Destiny and so much more! When you align with your True Path, Unique Abilities, and Potential, the Universe recognizes this union and attracts to you whatever is needed to accomplish your goals and dreams. It feels like you are swimming along with the current of life instead of against it. There is a sense of relief when you no longer question the direction of your life. You become the co-pilot in the Creation of your Life Mission. This is the most complete reading up-to-date. It leaves nothing out and is a beautiful symphony of your soul life agreement. This reading includes the 7 core levels of your Soul Contract and 4 extra sacred levels. Every level included are - Soul Urge (day of birth), Soul Life Path (day, month, & year of birth), Karmic Lesson (Egyptian Numerology Astrological Chart), and Soul Life Purpose (total of life path & karmic lesson), Heart's Desire (arithmancy of vowels in birth name), Expression (arithmancy of consonants in birth name), and Destiny (total of vowels & consonants in birth name) numbers - *** Plus your Achievement , Golden Goal, Personal Year, and your Inner Guidance numbers.
Cancellation Policy
To cancel or reschedule a appointment please contact me within 24 hours of appointment at opentothe5th@gmail.com Thank you, Sara Bachmeier
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